Unfolding Progress for African Fair Seaweed Finance Facility (AFSFF)

The African Fair Seaweed Finance Facility (AFSFF) project is an initiative that is implemented in the coastal regions of Tanzania and Kenya, spearheaded by the Aqua-Farms Organization (AFO) and Mawimbi Ocean Innovations, and is set to revolutionize seaweed farming. This project is specifically designed to uplift women-led farming groups, cultivating sustainable practices and enhancing livelihoods. […]

How the USAID Heshimu Bahari Activity is empowering Kilwa’s Coastal Community

The USAID Heshimu Bahari Activity, which means “Respect the Ocean,” is helping local communities take care of their marine environment while improving their lives. We have had this conversation before. Over the past three months, Aqua-Farms Organization (AFO) has been busy running capacity building and training sessions for community members and local leaders. These aren’t […]