The Kilwa District Octopus Fishery Comprehensive Electronic Catch Documentation and Traceability (eCDT) Strategy

The Seafood Alliance for Legality and Traceability (SALT) is a public-private partnership between
USAID and the Packard, Moore, and Walton Family Foundations, and implemented by FishWise,
a sustainable seafood consultancy. SALT, Aqua Farms Organization (AFO) and technical advisor
Yahya Mgawe would like to thank the following stakeholders for their commitment to our
oceans and the people who depend on them, and their invaluable contributions for the
development of this strategy:

● Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries
● Department of Fisheries
● Kilwa District Community Members
● Co-Design Planning Committee Members
● Co-Design Participants

This strategy is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the
United States Agency for International Development (USAID), under Cooperative Agreement
No. AID-OAA-A-17-00020. The contents of this report are the responsibility of FishWise and
do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States government.