Amenipa Lawi Kyando is the Assistant Sales and Relationship Manager of Sustainable blue shop (SUSBLUE shop) at Aqua- farm Organization (AFO). She is an Aquatic Scientist with background of Bachelor Degree of Science in Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries from the University of Dar es Salaam 2023. She has strong interest in aquaculture, Fisheries activities, Aqua-business, Sustainable Management of Aquatic Ecosystems and enhancing a well-being of coastal communities.
In SUSBLUE shop she is offering a good customer cares and services, maintain stocks and general appearance of the shop, records keeping and expanding the market of seaweed and seaweed products. Participating in creating good relationships with stakeholders, rising awareness, supporting coastal stakeholders to improve their livelihoods through proper utilization of ocean resources especially seaweed and its products.
“Together we can protect our aquatic resources and empower the coastal communities.”