A New Dawn at Buyuni: Women Fisher Festival 2022, a HUGE SUCCESS!!

Every 9th December, Tanzania commemorates its Independence Day, and this year we honored 62 years since the country gained its freedom from Britain. As Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere once said “Development needs to reflect on people’s well-being”, in that spirit, Aqua-Farms Organization with support from voice global hosted the first-ever Women Fisher Festival at Buyuni Kigamboni Fish Market under the theme of “Mwanamke ni Chachu ya Uchumi wa Buluu” bringing together over 200 people in a day session with a purpose of celebrating women fishers in the area honoring its concluding project titled “Bahari hub: Bahari Yetu, Uhuru wetu, Ukombozi wa Wanawake” which had end goals of:

  • Showcasing the impact spearheaded by the Bahari hub project on the “Buyuni yetu’ group
  • High profiling and motivating the 13 small-scale women fishers at Buyuni forming the “Buyuni Yetu” Women Fisher Group
  • Raising the voices of the women small-scale fishers and stimulating important conversations on gender barriers and the importance of “men and women” working together towards the inclusive, profitable, and equitable blue economy and ocean conservation
  • A platform for the women to showcase their handwork and sell their products
  • Share success stories from other areas through community documentary screening and the grand release of the “Buyuni Yetu” short film to the public
  • Engagement, games, ocean food competitions, traditional dances, and fun activities strengthen the relationships of the Buyuni fishing community.


The festival was celebrated with various groups of people from both Buyuni and outside area including businessmen, journalists, and college students and it was nourished by the coastal music dance, martial arts, seafood cooking competition, and drama which were all delivered entertainment together with conveying the message of breaking the socio-cultural and economic barriers of women’s participation in fishery activities.

Photo 1: Coastal music dance at Buyuni Fisher Women Festival


Photo 2: “Buyuni Yetu” group member explaining the recipe used in her cook (Left hand) and Others showcasing their handicraft products (Righthand)

In the evening session, nature-conservation-based 6 Swahili short films were screened which 300+ people attended. After every film, a short understanding discussion was done to bold the gained visual knowledge.

Photo 3: Swahili short films documentary screen during Festival evening session

This event was a SUCCESS and the first of much more and we thank all the NGOs, Government officials, students, and Individuals that came to support the fisherwomen at Buyuni, you can show your continued support by buying their products via this number + 2556852770006


Photo 4: Cheerfully AFO team


To watch festival coverage by Michuzi’s YouTube channel Click here


To watch the “Buyuni Yetu” documentary by Aqua-Farms Organization Click here


Watch, subscribe, enjoy, comment, and let’s join hands in continuing to support Buyuni fisherwomen in rising to greater heights.


Are you ready for the Women’s Fisher Festival 2023?


Stay in touch!!

Authors: Nancy Iraba & Jerry Mang’ena